Our Teams
An acronym of the word 'TEAM' is 'true' — Together Everyone Achieves More.
We encourage as many as possible to become part of a vibrant and growing team.
Welcome Team
The Welcome Team are not just shaking hands — they have faith that every person's life will be blessed and transformed when they walk through our doors.
The Sound Team
The Sound Team are not just moving sliders, turning dials and pressing buttons — they are creating an environment for anointed praise and worship.
Musicians and Singers
The singers and musicians are not performers nor are they performing — their aim is to “make His praise glorious” and to create a platform where people can connect with God.
Hospitality Team
We certainly appreciate those who prepare and serve in the hospitality team. They serve some of the finest refreshments you could have - lovely cakes, fresh coffee and all the teas you could ever hope for.
Child Care Team
This group is headed up by local school teachers and they look after the Sunday School program for children. They prepare age appropriate Bible-based lessons each week and ensure they are inspirational, informative and fun.
We have a crèche for parents with babies or toddlers. This room has a video link to the service, so parents can see and hear the worship and messages from the service.